Thursday, February 4, 2010

This is for Rick

Rick told me that he missed my blog updates so here is one. I was thinking of stopping it altogether but I will continue for my one fan.

Since Christmas, Lucy:
-got her two bottom teeth.
-said both dada and mama (not that she knows what they mean).
-sits up all on her own.
-tried many new foods and has grown to like (tolerate) green ones. I think her favorites are peaches and sweet potatoes.

I've started making homemade baby food. It's way easier than it sounds! Buying frozen fruits and veggies have made it pretty easy on prep. The only thing I haven't made successfully is any meat. The chicken was horrible. Any suggestions?

Rick is keeping busy helping his dad finish work on a condo so that they can sell it. He's putting in 2 nights and most of the day on Saturday. I am so proud of him and thankful for him and the way that he provides for Lucy and me. He is a hard worker.

I am still adjusting to being a mom. It has it's challenges for sure. Yesterday was a rough day... one that led me to eat a few too many carbs and chocolate. But when I put Lucy to bed that night I remembered, "God has been faithful and He will be again." He has not brought me this far to leave me now.

A few pics:


Sarah said...

Glad you are back! I am a fan too. I like Lucy pictures.

For making your own baby meat - I boiled/poached the chicken with some spices (basil, oregano, garlic salt, onion powder are some examples) in it to help give it flavor. Then I waited until the chicken cooled before I put it in the food processor. I processed the chicken first, then started adding some of the cooking liquid to make it the consistency I wanted. It actually tasted pretty good! I never tried freezing it though. I just made enough for a couple days a time. I would mix it with a cube or two of veggies, like how the regular babyfood jars are sold. Aaron especially liked when I mixed it with peaches, which I thought was gross. But babies are weird. At least mine is.

ange said...

you are a good mom, lucy is blessed to have you! can't wait to see her sitting up. lets go to lancaster in the spring/early summer and then make baby food together. it'll be a major adventure.

Unknown said...

love the booger in the nose.... and especially heart her and you!

sarah said...

I'm a fan too! :)
But I can't blame you for the lack of posts ... my blog has been rather quiet these days too. But it's always nice seeing an update from you in my google reader!
I never made meat baby food ... just porridge, fruits and veggies around 7 months.
I waited another couple months until they can eat what we're having (through the food mill and/or in small pieces for finger food) to start giving more variety ... probably because it's just easier!
Have fun experimenting, and way to brave making your own ... I always tell people it's much less intimadating after you actually do it!
~Sarah H.

Rick Healey said...

Traci! I am your biggest fan! I would try chewing the chicken and then spitting it out. I think this will work the best.

Reenie said...

Traci, I love your blog, keep it up. Great pictures!

My only question is why does Rick have such monkey tendencies? Chewing something up and then giving to the kid. That is like an animal.