Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Two Favorites

Today I am grateful for 2 very important things in life:

1. Crockpots - does anyone have any good recipes?
2. Target - they have everything! yesterday i bought a movie (Girls Just Wanna Have Fun for only $4.75!), the new Taylor Swift CD, a Campbells soup at hand (tomato) and sponges (I had a coupon).

Both essential things in the life of a wife.

Friday, November 7, 2008

Mucho Gracias

I once wrote a very compelling song about this thing I'm thankful for. It's the most delightful, scrumptious, unhealthy, delicious, mouth-watering treat.


Only $2.99!

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Gratitude, pt. 2

I was thinking about what I was grateful for and I thought of Reese Sticks. And then I remembered that I already said that. But they are really good.

Seriously, I am grateful for prayer. This is one of those weeks full of busyness and running around and that holds a lot of temptation for me to sin. I mean, a lot. But I've been trying to spend time in the morning praying for God's strength and His help, and I've been experiencing so much grace. (Please keep it coming God.)

I am especially grateful for this person who prays for me a lot...

the Election

I can tend to fear and anxiety when I think about the ramifications of this election. We don't know what the President Elect will do but we know this without any doubt:

"But I trust in you, O Lord; I say, 'You are my God.' My times are in your hand." Psalm 31:14-15

Isn't it good to remember that God is still active and in control, keeping us in His hand and protecting His church? He has done it and will do it. May that be the cry of our hearts more than ever.

Monday, November 3, 2008

Gratitude, pt. 1

Angela (who I heart) has inspired Gratitude month. Here are my 5 things that I'm thankful for:

1. Rick who married me and promised to never leave me even though I am grumpy sometimes.
2. Reese Sticks and my mom who first introduced me to them.
3. Warm beds on cold nights.
4. Recipe books and blogs that teach me how to be a better cook.
5. Pastors like Jared who preach the truth and watch over our souls.