Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Shout Out

To the peeps at the Route 3 and Exton Giants for helping me out. A special thanks to the young woman who helped me out to the car and unloaded my groceries.

What was I doing? I'll give you a hint.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Life with Lucy

It's been 4 weeks since our Lucy was born, and what a month it's been! Even now I can't believe she's my daughter, and that I'm responsible for her little life. Right now she mostly sleeps, eats, poops (a lot) and cries (somedays more than others) but there are times when she's very awake and interacts with us. Her smiles are big and very cute. Last week Rick put on his hard hat that he wears to power plants, said "Hi Lucy," and she gave him the biggest smile. I think our girl has a sense of humor. Last night I was singing a song to her before bedtime and she looked right at me, paid attention to me and smiled. I melted. She also loves to take showers and feel the water. Other than that, she is just like her daddy. Seriously.

I love her more and more each day. The first few weeks were tough, but they were worth it. Here are a few pictures. (Note: I am not a photographer nor do I have a fancy camera.)