Monday, April 27, 2009

What God Has Done

It has been quite the month! Awhile back I wrote a post about how Rick and I were looking for a house and trusting God to provide. As we prayed and searched, we both thought that God wanted us to stop looking for a place to buy and ask my parents if we could live with them for 6 months or so. They kindly said yes, and we had lots of faith for that plan.

Then, Rick and I started taking a class on prayer taught by my dad. In the first class, he said that you should write down something to pray for over the next 3 weeks and see how God would answer that prayer. I wanted to pray for a stand-alone Chick-fil-a but Rick vetoed it. Still, I didn't write down a house...thinking that it wasn't God's timing. But Dad's class inspired me to pray more and so it became more apart of my morning routine.

One morning in late March, I felt like I was supposed to pray for a house. And that I would have faith for God to provide us a house. So I did. When I got to work I figured it wouldn't hurt to see what new houses were put on the market that day. I looked at only one house, called Rick (about 4 times), emailed him at work, finally talked to him. He had seen it too.

This past Friday we officially became homeowners! They accepted our first offer (we submitted one the same day we looked at it), and by God's kindness, everything worked out with no surprises. We spent the last weekend working on it (needs a lot of work). Rick, my hero, and his dad took out the entire kitchen! Hopefully we will finish all the work by the end of May and move into it on May 30.

God is very, very good! I'll post some pics of the house and prayer requests (mostly having to do with my swollen ankles).

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Good Eats

Last night I made this recipe for the first time last night...and man, was it good. Rick craves anything with lots of sauce, so I one and a halved the recipe. I didn't double it because I didn't want to use that much butter, and we are only 2 people! That was definitely the way to go. time I think I will double the amount of chicken and quadruple the sauce to make lots of leftovers.

And the best was that I have all the ingredients in my pantry (well, cupboards technically)! I love it when I don't need to buy crazy ingredients.

Are there anything that your husbands or family members eat that you wouldn't think to keep in your kitchen? Like Rick loves honey and will put it in his cereal, but I very rarely eat honey. Just curious...

Monday, April 20, 2009

Third Trimester!

I'm 27 weeks today and according to my pregnancy calendar, I'm in my third trimester. If I didn't have a pregnancy calendar, I wouldn't know anything about where I am in my pregnancy except that it's supposed to end on July 20.

Our girl, Lucy (no middle name yet), seems to be growing and she has been kicking more than ever. Sometimes I feel a repetitive kick which I was thinking was her keeping time or practicing for marching band, but I read today that it's probably the hiccups. Oh my. I still don't feel ready...lots to do!

As for me, they've officially hired someone to replace me in my job and my last day will be towards the end of May. I can't believe it, but I've been praying that God will make me more excited about this next season than sad about the past. Hopefully, many good things are to come.

I'll have most of June and July to work on some things and have fun. I've been making of list of things to do. Any suggestions?