Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Two Favorites

Today I am grateful for 2 very important things in life:

1. Crockpots - does anyone have any good recipes?
2. Target - they have everything! yesterday i bought a movie (Girls Just Wanna Have Fun for only $4.75!), the new Taylor Swift CD, a Campbells soup at hand (tomato) and sponges (I had a coupon).

Both essential things in the life of a wife.

Friday, November 7, 2008

Mucho Gracias

I once wrote a very compelling song about this thing I'm thankful for. It's the most delightful, scrumptious, unhealthy, delicious, mouth-watering treat.


Only $2.99!

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Gratitude, pt. 2

I was thinking about what I was grateful for and I thought of Reese Sticks. And then I remembered that I already said that. But they are really good.

Seriously, I am grateful for prayer. This is one of those weeks full of busyness and running around and that holds a lot of temptation for me to sin. I mean, a lot. But I've been trying to spend time in the morning praying for God's strength and His help, and I've been experiencing so much grace. (Please keep it coming God.)

I am especially grateful for this person who prays for me a lot...

the Election

I can tend to fear and anxiety when I think about the ramifications of this election. We don't know what the President Elect will do but we know this without any doubt:

"But I trust in you, O Lord; I say, 'You are my God.' My times are in your hand." Psalm 31:14-15

Isn't it good to remember that God is still active and in control, keeping us in His hand and protecting His church? He has done it and will do it. May that be the cry of our hearts more than ever.

Monday, November 3, 2008

Gratitude, pt. 1

Angela (who I heart) has inspired Gratitude month. Here are my 5 things that I'm thankful for:

1. Rick who married me and promised to never leave me even though I am grumpy sometimes.
2. Reese Sticks and my mom who first introduced me to them.
3. Warm beds on cold nights.
4. Recipe books and blogs that teach me how to be a better cook.
5. Pastors like Jared who preach the truth and watch over our souls.

Monday, October 27, 2008

Do you have a favorite song?

Reenie asked me if I have a favorite song of all time. Not like a favorite song in a category but a favorite song of eternity. I really do not know if I do. How do you decide if you have one? And how do you know what it is?

But I did ask Rick what song he would consider "our song." He had some interesting picks, but here's what we were saying:

1. Take Me The Way I Am by Ingrid Michaelson - this was the song I listened to while falling in love with Rick. And then we danced to it at our wedding. Not for our first dance though. But the line "sew on patches to all you tear" was meant for us.

2. Lucky by Jason Mraz and Colbie Calliet - a Rick pick. I think he likes it because he can sing the boy part and I can sing the girl part.

3. I'm Yours by Jason Mraz - this song immediately puts me in a Jeep in Hawaii, driving around with my husband and smiling because I can't believe we're married. So wonderful.

What about you? Do you have a song (or songs) that is special to you? Please share.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

My blog is boring

But my life is not.

Sorry that I haven't put much on here, but it is due to two reasons:
1. We do not have the internet at home. I know, a tragedy.
2. I have been trying to find time to get my pictures off of my new camera so that my post will be more exciting. But then the question remains - how do I put the pictures on the computer onto my blog without the internet? It is a vicious circle.

So a boring (no pictures) update:
1. We went on vacation. Rick played countless games of euchre and tennis. I read and watched Tabatha's Salon Takeover with Meg and Corey.

2. UMatt and Jodie got married! And then Sharpie and Mike got married! We are so happy for them both. I have some really good pictures from those two...just wait and see.

3. We started leading the teen Alpha group. They are some pretty cool teens but they have a lot of questions about the end of the world. I'm looking forward to the retreat when I can get them hyped up on sugar. Then things will get interesting.

4. We've done lots of other fun things - watched the Mell kids and built gigantic lego towers, ate Mexican ice cream with Alex & Michelle, saw gigantic pumpkins, hung out with lots of friends.

5. Coming up - plan Unhearts week on facebook, go to the college age retreat, have a 1-year "courtship" anniversary.

I made Rick a contributor so I know he will have lots of interesting things to say. He is my BFFL (pronouned biffle).

Monday, September 8, 2008

Hearts Week

It's hearts week on facebook. I made this up. It's not official. But it is good, old-fashioned fun. All week, write what you heart in your status.

Some things you could heart:
-your momma
-the bible
-jenny hayes

Pass on the love.

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Mexican Night

One of the fun things about being a new wife is discovering new recipes. When they are a success, I come into work the next day to tell Kelli and Reenie this great new way to make chicken...aren't I innovative?! Only to discover that they have been making chicken that way for years. Oh well. It only deflated my joy. It didn't squash it completely.

I am going to tell you about it like it's a brand new discovery - broil chicken in the broiler for 5-7 minutes and it comes out delicious and wonderful. I put some veggie oil, chili powder, salt and pepper to season it and we have fast fajitas - cha, cha, cha! We also added some peppers and onions (again under the broiler) and avocados (not under the broiler because they are perfect the way they are).

My boy loves Mexican. He ate 2 of these!

I think we will be eating more of these in the future, especially on those nights when we need a fast but yummy meal. And I'll try rice or beans next time. If you have a good recipe, let me know and I will try it. I was not able to do rice or beans this time because of the fire that started in our oven. Apparently our broiler does not like chicken as much as we do.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008


There are some days that I'm stuck in very boring meetings. That is when I doodle. My inspiration is Rick.

My dad, who was in the same meeting, told me that it does not look like him.

Monday, August 18, 2008

true love

is a marc jacobs bag.

Friday, August 8, 2008

Back in Action

Rick and I are back into the swing of things. We are loving life together. Our wedding was a beautiful day and I'm so grateful for everyone who put their hands in to make it happen. My mom was an all-star...she made it happen! Except for the blue cake, she made my dreams come true. Special thanks also to Dad (for giving me away and being my hero), Kelli, Meg, Ange, Alyce, Stephanie, and my boy Stephen.

And of course, I'm grateful to Rick for being the best man I know and for wanting to marry me. I can't believe what a blessed girl I am and how he treats me like the most precious thing in the world.

We were then off to Hawaii for 11 days of fun in the sun. I'll post pictures of those soon (they are on a different computer). We relaxed and chilled on the beach, rented snorkel gear from Snorkel Bob (he cares about fishes), kayaked one day, hiked a little, drove around in our jeep listening to island radio (traci trying not to get car sick...telling rick to slow down...rick forgetting and driving like he was a Nascar driver), ate some good food and watched project runway. We learned a little bit of Hawaiian...Ono means good and Shi-Shi means pee. They were memorable and fun first days of married life.

Since then we've been getting the apartment settled. I'm having a fun time cooking and learning how to be a wife. Holla if you got any good recipes. Most of my meal ideas come from my lunchtimes with Kelli, Meg, Reenie and Lynn.

Hooray for marriage!

Monday, June 16, 2008

Meghan Hayes

I better get moving on these! Only 19 days left!
My other matron of honor is Meghan Hayes (affectionately known as Meggo, Nut, etc.) and she is really cool. Not only is she my fashion advisor, but she is also my concert and reality tv buddy (I hope that Rick will let me watch Project Runway when we get married). Some people think that Meg is really quiet, but those of us closest to her know that she is really fun and one of the best friends you can have. During my engagement, she has consistently asked me how she can help me to make this wedding day a blast and I love her for being there for me. Well, I guess we won't ever get to move to NYC together but at least we're second best friends and sisters for the rest of our lives.

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Kelli Cohee

I thought it would be fun to say a little something special about everyone in my side of the wedding party. Basically to introduce each of them (although they are pretty much the only people who read this blog). Stay tuned to see if Rick does his side.

First up is my matron of honor, Kelli Cohee! Kelli and I have been sisters for 26 years. Sadly, our first few years were primarily of me bossing Kelli around, getting her into trouble, and making her cry (by telling her Santa wasn't real). Thankfully she has forgiven me and our relationship has improved as I have matured. One of the best days of my life was October 14 when Kelli married Corey, and it has been a delight to watch Kelli as she grows as a wife and enjoys married life. What I love about Kelli is how easy she can be to talk to - I think I could tell Kelli pretty much anything and she would still love me, listen to me, support me and challenge me. I am so grateful that God chose her to be my sister and friend. Kel, I love you!

Monday, May 12, 2008


I am sorry that this is the worst blog name ever. And if you are anything like me, then you will probably read this blog a few times and never look at it again (although I'm sure that my mom will read it...thanks mom). But I wanted a way to keep everyone updated on our life, and I thought this would be easiest. So I hope this blog helps you to waste time now and again, as all good blogs do.